


正如创新纳什维尔银行的特色 & 金融

It’s not often you hear 网上正规网投实体 companies that thrive for over a century, 但网上正规网投实体, from its humble start in rural West Tennessee in 1906 continues to evolve and conquer 117 years later. From its original mission of serving a small-town farming community, 网上正规网投实体, 总部设在纳什维尔, 田纳西州有多个州的存在, aims to be a thought leader and innovator in bringing blockchain and Web 3.0 technology into the highly regulated banking industry.

韦德·佩里、迈克·卡格尼(Figure Technologies首席执行官) & Matt Maxey (Chief Innovations Officer of Synovus) on a panel discussing the USDF Consortium at LendIt’s Fintech Nexus conference.协会年会

“We are on the cusp of a massive wave of disruption at the infrastructure level of the financial services industry,韦德·皮里说, 第一银行首席创新官, 总部设在田纳西州的第三大银行. “Fifty-year-old payment rails supporting the economic activity of our country are slow and expensive due to unnecessary layers of intermediaries. By responsibly exploring new ideas using blockchain technology outside of production environments and a goal to align with existing regulatory framework, 网上正规网投实体 is validating that banking can become more accessible, 包容, 而且效率高,风险小.”

A major initiative by 网上正规网投实体 has been its founding member status in the USDF Consortium, launched in 2022 alongside four other chartered financial institutions and Figure Technologies, 公司. The mission of the Consortium is to bring programmable money to life through tokenized bank deposits using distributed ledger technology, 通常被称为区块链. USDF aims to become the banking industry’s answer to the need for a digital dollar.

L to R Faith Owen, Doris Montgomery, Wade Peery, Dan Moore, Suzanne Dorris

To benefit by using blockchain as a payments rail supporting safe bi-lateral settlement, new technology is needed to move money between fiat held in a bank account and a tokenized deposit on chain. Creative and collaborative thinking with key partners Jack Henry & Associates and the USDF Consortium has already resulted in a Provenance blockchain based prototype delivering realtime peer-to-peer payments at roughly one-third the cost of existing solutions. The partners’ multi-phase development approach offers regulators and other banks an opportunity to lean in and further understand this new technology and its resiliency.

“This is far removed from the novel digital assets that customers hold in the crypto ecosystem. Our work has nothing to do with cryptocurrencies, privately issued stable coins, or crypto exchanges. It’s the boring stuff on the backend that enables significant efficiency improvements translating into better banking services benefiting consumers and businesses,佩里说。.


网上正规网投实体 is also setting the bar for banking innovation in Nashville. A focused approach is bringing new ideas and opportunities to the bank almost daily. Equipped with a group of deeply experienced bankers dedicated to innovation efforts, the bank is positioned to serve key needs of early stage financial services companies with promising solutions. Offering advice and mentoring drawn from deep banking expertise and the willingness to provide capital to early-stage founders increases the likelihood of successful projects. An open-door allowing founders to have discussions with career bankers to better understand problems and the insight to help navigate the regulatory environment is of tremendous value.

A budding new relationship with Vanderbilt’s Wond’ry Center is one of several exciting local opportunities as the bank integrates into the Nashville technology community. 未来的企业家就在几个街区之外, the bank is motivated to share its knowledge of the financial system and act as a catalyst to reimagine the future of banking with students. 网上正规网投实体 is proud to be an industry leader and driver behind the Web 3.0 evolution while helping raise awareness of Nashville as an amazing place to build a business and call home.


网上正规网投实体 has helped customers build momentum for over a century, 有更多的机会, 答案和最新的产品和服务. Click on the link below to learn more 网上正规网投实体 how our local banking model helps fuel your future. We keep going strong by banking on your strengths to help our communities go far.


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